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Using Unchecked Data Backup in Eagan and Other Don'ts After a Data Breach

Data breaches can ruin a business for good, especially if you commit blunders right after the incident occurred. If you don't want to cut your business's life short, it's best if you know what the biggest mistakes are that could worsen your problem. These include panicking, restoring files from your data backup in Eagan that were not checked for malicious files, and assuming that the attack is over.

1. Act in Panic

When you've been alerted to a data breach, you might make decisions without thinking about them thoroughly. This could lead to rash decisions that might make the breach's repercussions worse for you. Instead, you should put your data breach response plan into motion and enlist everyone who is involved in the plan. If you've asked the help of an experienced data backup services provider to hatch that plan, then you're in good hands. You can benefit from their expertise and avoid any critical mistakes from happening.

Data Backup Eagan

2. Disturb the Scene of the Crime

In a bid to stop the cyber attackers, you might be tempted to shut off your server and systems. However, this will only disturb any trace that the criminals might have left behind. Don't shut down anything or change and remove files, logs, systems, and other parts of your infrastructure. Keeping everything, just like how it was during the incident, will help experts conduct important forensics and analytics. Even if you have backup files that you can restore easily, you still need to look for the culprit by investigating how they penetrated your network.

Regardless of how strong the temptation is to patch vulnerable points in your system, don't do it. It would be like removing the criminal's footprints at the crime scene.

3. Restore from an Unchecked Backup

No matter how strong your desire is to get back to business as usual by restoring your files from your data backup in Eagan, fight it. You need to check the backup files first. If they have been stored for some time, they might also be infected. Let your data backup services provider verify that the copies of your files are clean.

4. Rebuild Right Away

Rebuilding a system that was just hacked is like wiping it clean from any trace of the data breach. Without a thorough investigation, your system might still have the same vulnerability as the old one. The attack might happen again after you've restored your files in your data backup in Eagan.

5. Blaming One Another

Emotions might run high right after a cyberattack, but it is not the time to point fingers at who's at fault. Immediately after the breach, everyone in the team must work together to find the attackers and acknowledge that, like many other businesses, you're vulnerable to such incidents, too. If you don't have experts in your team, enlist outside help in your post-incident assessment and report and strengthen your data backup services.

6. Assume That You've Stopped the Attack

Threat detection does not mark the end of the attack. The hacker might have touched other parts of your network that you haven't found yet. This is why you must keep conducting network security and penetration tests and make sure that your data backup in Eagan is in good shape.

Conducting a complete review and preparing a report of the incident will contribute to your cyber attack prevention measures. It will show you your vulnerabilities and mistakes to minimize your risk against other hackers.

7. Go Silent

You might feel like it would be better to keep the cyberattack within the company or the response team. However, you have a responsibility to relay the incident to the authorities, your employees, suppliers, customers, and everyone affected by the attack. Tell them what you did to address the situation and how you plan to prevent it from happening, by preparing backup files and boosting your cybersecurity measures.

If you don't know whether you can handle the communication with the stakeholders properly, hire a PR team to ensure control over the narrative. Avoid making false statements if you don't want to anger further the people affected by the breach. Be as accurate and upfront as possible and highlight the actions that you're taking now to resolve the issue.

8. Forget About Customer Service

If the breach affected your service, especially its online aspect, welcome your customers' queries about it. Don't ignore them or try to brush off the problem. Even if you are confident that you can resume normal operations because of your data backup in Eagan, you have to keep assuring your customers that you're doing everything you can to address the problem caused by the breach.

We here at Network Medics can assure you that our data backup services will help you recover from a data breach. We have handled a lot of backup and disaster recovery situations with our other clients so we can help you minimize the missteps right after a data breach. Reach out to our IT specialists for a quick assessment or schedule one through the form on our website. Contact us today!

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